Driving Shows
If you show in both our Spring and Fall shows and complete the year end award requirements you will be eligible for a year end ribbon.
Year End Requirements
A. Fill out and submit a nomination form for each horse/rider combination per discipline. Members - Free, Non-Members - $25. Nomination Forms must be submitted by or before the June 30, 2024.
B. Show in both shows with the same horse/rider combination in the same division. Attendance at a show is only counted if you enter the ring and are judged in the class within the division that you are trying to qualify for a Year End Award.
C. Complete 4 hours of volunteer time PER horse/rider combination PER discipline in which you show with us. A friend OR family member may volunteer on the riders’ behalf. A volunteer form MUST be filled out for EACH volunteer and handed into the registration booth before you leave the show grounds, or the volunteer hours may not count. OR Fill out and submit the Volunteer Hours Buy Out Form with payment.
D. All volunteer hours must be completed by your disciplines last show of the season.
Driving; 10AM Start Time, Registration at 9AM (Main Ring) Pre-Registration Available up until 9pm the Thursday before the show.
2024 Driving Show Dates:
Make Up Show: June 23rd--CANCELED
Judge: Jessica Axelsson
Sunday September 22, 2024
Judge: TBD
$5 EMT fee per Driver for the day
Classes are $10 for members and $11 for non-members
**Please note that classes 1, 5, 9, 13, & 17 are judged separately for turnout/working, but run at the same time; therefore, the entry fee is $20 for members and $22 for non-members for those classes**